Drawing 1

Western Connecticut State University
School of Visual and Performing Arts
Art Department
Syllabus for Drawing 1- no prerequisite

Course number: Art 111 03, VPA 241 – Fall 2015
Credit hours: 3 – classes meet Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00am-11:30am
Instructor: Christine Hartman
Telephone: 845-838-3635
Email: hartmanc@wcsu.edu
Student Website: www.classes.christinehartman.com
My Website: www.christinehartman.com

Course description:
An exploration of the ways of looking and drawing, using forms from nature, still life and the human figure as subject matter. Varied but simple materials will be used on different kinds of paper.

What you can expect to learn in this class:
You will develop skill and confidence in your ability to draw from nature. You will learn to find angles and correct proportion, creating form and space in your drawings.
You will be introduced to the language of drawing through studies of some of the great works of art.
You will be encouraged to reevaluate your ideas about how we see. How the artist can use awareness of the rules we unconsciously use to create space.

Required Text:
Atlas of Human Anatomy for the Artist. Stephen Rogers Peck, Oxford University Press. Available in WCSU bookstore and on Amazon. You will need this book after midterms – mid October.

Required Supplies:
Drawing pencils: H, HB, 2B, 4B, 6B (1 each *)
Willow charcoal *
14×17 and 11×14 Strathmore, Canson or Utrecht drawing pads
Small sketch book – 8×10 or larger
2 sheets good quality drawing paper approximately 23” x 29”
Staedtler Mars plastic white eraser or Pink eraser*
Drawing board*
Low tack masking tape
Clear plastic ruler
*available at WCSU bookstore.
Other media can be chosen by students for copies and class work with approval of instructor. Supplies will cost from $25.-$35.

Attendance Policy:
This is a studio course and attendance will significantly affect your ability to learn the required skills, therefore absences will affect your grade. You are responsible for all class work, if you miss a class – you can find assignments on the student website for that date.

Students are expected to also complete a series of drawing exercises outside of class which will include keeping a sketchbook and completing assignments started in class. The final grade will be based on class attendance and participation (40%), skill development (30%) and a portfolio of class work and the sketchbook and copies executed during the semester (30%). Your work will be reviewed at midterm and a final review at the end of the semester.

Online posts are added at the beginning of each week, most recent first. You will find your assignments and a brief explanation of activities for each class during that week. Some assignments will require that you respond in a written post. It is your responsibility to check your student website and keep up with class assignments and posts. (www.classes.christinehartman.com)

Course Outline:
Week 1-3 Measuring and Sighting
Week 4-5 Negative Space and the Picture Plane
Week 6-9 Using Value and Tone, Understanding Composition (Long term drawing)
Week 10-11 Anatomy Study and Museum Visit
Week 12-15 Figure Drawing

Turn off cell phones and all electronic devices prior to entering class.

Special Accommodation:
Students with disabilities, language conflicts or having special circumstances during the semester should contact me early so that appropriate accommodation may be made. Contact Access Ability Services (SC207) and request accommodation letter.

Additional reading:
Hoffman, Donald, Visual Intelligence 1998
Arnheim, Rudolf, Art and Visual Perception 1954
Rawson, Philip, Drawing (Second Edition), University of Penn. Press
Rawson, Philip, The Art of Drawing, (This book is out of print but worth the effort if you can find it)
Ruskin, John, The Elements of Drawing 1857, 1971 reprint by Dover