
Materials list     Painting 1 – Art 208-01   

See suppliers list below, order your materials well before the semester begins.

* Must bring to first class.

OIL PAINT  (Utrecht Artists or Gamblin Artists grade paint.  S# designates series, the higher the number the more expensive the pigment)

*S1 Utrecht White                          (150 ml) (or titanium white)

S1 Ultramarine Blue                      (37 ml)

S1 Cadmium Yellow Hue              (37 ml)  (or cadmium yellow medium S4)

S1 Prussian Blue                            (37 ml)

S2 Alizarin Crimson                      (37 ml)

S2 Naphthol Red LT                       (37 ml)   (or cadmium red medium S4)

*S1 Yellow Ochre                           (37 ml)

*S1 Indian Red (gamblin)            (37 ml)

*S1 Mars Ivory Black                   (37 ml)

Note on oil paint: The best inexpensive paint is Utrecht artists grade or Gamblin artists grade. Do not buy any other brand or student grade paint as it is too weak in color to be useful.


*Utrecht Bristle Blend    Rounds  #2, #6, and #12, Filberts #6 and #8

Note on Brushes:  The bristle brushes are a blend of bristle or bristle and synthetic. The # is the size of the brush with #2 being the smallest, but size may slightly vary with the brand. The four shapes are 1. Round (comes to a point),  2. Flat (square ended),  3. Bright (shorter flats) 4. Filberts (rounded at the end flats).

CANVAS (Stretched, NOT canvas Board)

*2) 11” x 14”

2) 16” x 20”

3) 18” x 24” or larger

3) 8″ x 10″ canvas boards or canvas pad for color charts



* Small sketchbook (8X10) and pencils

*1 Brush Holder (if needed, this is a bamboo mat that is rolled up to keep brushes from getting damaged in transport)

* 1 Silicoil Tank (Jerry’s) or glass jar with tight fitting lid for brush cleaning

* 1 Gamsol or odorless turpentine or odorless mineral spirits, 1 pint

* 1 Masterson Sta-Wet plastic sealable palette box 16” x 12”

* 1 disposable paper palette pad 16” x 12” these are the disposable liners for the palette box and are necessary.

* 1 palette knife metal medium size with bent handle

* 1 aluminum clip on cup medium (can use tuna can)

* 1 Bar of Ivory Soap or bottle of Murphy’s oil soap for cleaning brushes

* 2 empty jars, medium size, with a wide-mouth and lid

* View finder (or make your own)

*Grey scale finder

*cotton rags


Total paints should cost around $80-$110, total brushes from $30 – $35, total canvas around $70, total miscellaneous around  $55.  Cost for all supplies around $250-300.  You can cut costs by stretching your own canvas, or painting on primed masonite boards, by splitting the gamsol, making your own brush holders, and getting Utrecht oil paint, and watching for sales. Don’t skimp on brushes (approx $7- $9 a brush), and don’t skimp on paint quality.



UTRECHT 1-800-223-9132 No tax for online orders, free shipping over $160

JERRY’S ART SUPPLY WAREHOUSE   1-203-846-2279   360 Main St. Norwalk ,CT, catalogue and on line. 1-800-U-ARTIST.

CHEAP JOE’S   1-800-227-2788 catalogue and on line

DICK BLICK     1-800-828-4548