
Painting 1 Art 208- 01

Western Connecticut State University
School of Visual and Performing Arts
Art Department
Syllabus for Painting 1 – prerequisite Art 130, 270

Course number: Art 213- 01, VPA 244 – Fall 2017
Credit hours: 3 – classes meet Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:45pm-2:15pm
Instructor: Christine Hartman
Telephone: 845-838-3635
Email: ,
Student Website:
My Website:

Course description:

An introduction to the methods of oil or acrylic painting. Students learn to mix and blend colors, develop various painting techniques and use value and tone to create volume and depth. Composition and aspects of color theory, as well as the use of paint as a medium of self-expression and communication are also explored.

Students will concentrate on still life and interior, familiarizing themselves with canvas and the various tools for oil painting. We will study value and aspects of color mixing, methods of paint application and modulation, and applying paint in a manner to create an illusion of space, light and form.

What you can expect to learn in this class:
You will develop skill and confidence in your ability to accurately mix color. You will learn to consider composition and color relationships as they relate to creating space. You will be introduced to the language of painting through studies of some of the great works of art.

Requirements: This is a studio course and attendance will affect your ability to learn the required skills. Attendance is mandatory and absences will affect your grade. Students are expected to complete assignments outside of class which will include color charts and simple value and color studies. Final grades will be based on class attendance and participation (40%), skill development (40%) and a portfolio of homework and copies executed during the semester (20%).Work will be reviewed at mid-term and final critiques.

 Attendance Policy: This is a studio course and attendance will significantly affect your ability to learn the required skills, therefore absences will affect your grade. You are responsible for all class work

Studio policies / Safety issues: You must wash and clean your working area after each class as others use the room. Follow all posted studio procedures. To avoid ingesting hazardous materials, eating and drinking in the studio is not allowed.  No toxic chemicals or paints shall be disposed of in the sink.

General Course Outline:
Week 1-2 Tonal painting, limited palette
Week 3-4 Grey scale, warm and cool, limited palette
Week 5-8 Using complimentary color sets, first use of full palette
Week 9-11 Full color
Week 12-15 Reflections and textures             

Miscellaneous: Turn off cell phones and all electronic devices prior to entering class.

Special Accommodation: Students with disabilities, language conflicts or having special circumstances during the semester should contact me early so that appropriate accommodation may be made. Contact Access Ability Services (SC207) and request accommodation letter.

Use Respect: for yourself, your classmates, the room and materials in it. Realize that a portion of your grade is your conduct in the studio. That includes safety issues, respect for the work of others and cleaning up after yourself.

Don’t lose your work. Label the back with a) Your Name, b) This Semester, and c) Teacher’s Name. Unlabeled, mislabeled and outdated work will be either discarded or appropriated by another student. Place painting in rack reserved for your class. Be careful not to smear other work drying in the racks.